
This roadmap is a work in progress. For now it provides a hint on what's to come Legend:

  • E-Essential
  • V-Added Value
  • X-Optional/Extension
  • S-Small
  • M-Median
  • L-Large
Feature Priority Value Difficulty
Bootstrap E M L
Injection E L M
Services E M L
Data store access E L L
UI for Web E L L
Application Modules E L M
Quantity E S M
Sequences E S M
Environment Integration - Application Server E M M
Logging E S M
Managed I/O E M L
Validation E M S
Transaction Support E L L
JDBC DataSource Access E L S
Work Unit Processing V M L
Dynamic Service Loading V S L
Data Store Management V L L
Domain Model Support V L L
UI for Desktop (Swing) V L L
License Control V S L
Environment Integration - Standalone V M L
Work Scheduling V L M
Authentication and Authorization Control V L L
Notifications V S M
Atlas V S M
Easy Cryptography Support X M M
Email Sending X L S
Email Receiving X S L
Reports Support X L S
Chart Support X L M
UI for Testing X M M
UI for Ajax X M M
Tags for UI for Web X M L
Environent Integration - Web Container Only X M L
Document Search X S L
User Control: JAAS integration X S L
Geographic Maps integration X S L
Addressing X M M
UI for SWT X S L
Webservice Consuming : SOAP X S L
Webservice Providing : SOAP X S L
Webservice Consuming : REST X S L
Webservice Providing : REST X S L